World Discovery Box Science Kit is a Perfect Gift for Kids
Give the Gift of Discovery
Develop your kids' sense of discovery and love for learning.
With a Discovery Box, children become eager to
explore science and nature. Start building your collection
today and join us in sharing your discoveries.
Kids Explore Science and Nature with a World Discovery Box
The World Discovery Box is a multi-drawer collection box that comes with fossils, insects, geodes, sea life and more. These exciting artifacts are only the beginning of the adventure as there is plenty of room in the drawers for items found on backyard explorations, hikes in the woods and trips to the beach. Your Discovery Box will continuously grow and become an ongoing learning experience for your kids.
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"The thing I like about it is there are extra drawers to put the stuff that I find."
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Winner
"I think this is a great present for grandparents to give since it starts a dialogue. I really love the quality of the materials."
MomDot Blog "A Must Have"
"Its about the only child’s item left today that doesn’t involve electronics and flashing video parts and quite simply, it’s amazing."
Dr. Toy Award Winner
"You easily share in the good feeling of nostalgia and enjoyment that is connected to toys that bring back special memories..."
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"Nurture your child's talent for discovering treasures everywhere she goes. The Discovery Box is a child-sized chest of drawers filled with rocks, fossils, shells and insects. We imagine the collection will double in no time."
"Looks to be a fantastic starter wunderkammer for kids (and adults)! The cabinet of curiosity is preloaded with rocks, fossils, shells, bugs in lucite, and other natural and scientific wonders, plus plenty of space to add your own oddities." - Top Educational Gift -
"We can't say enough good things about the Discovery Box. It is such a great learning tool for our son. I recommend this for any child who likes to explore or is a hands-on learner! This is such a wonderful piece for our homeschooling curriculum, and there is so much room in this box for future discoveries. I can't wait to continue exploring with our son."
Professor PlayFair Blog
"This is truly a gift for the whole family. It is lovely enough to have a place anywhere in your home. The beauty of the box is striking."
Denver Post Mile High Mommas
"This wooden chest of drawers filled with amazing natural items like fossils, shells, geodes and insects was genius. Epic, even. How many toys are on the market that create a family lifestyle and culture around discovery?"
"This simple, yet beautifully designed set of wooden drawers has mashed-up the concept of the Nature Table and the child’s posting box. They provide a world of discovery by introducing a range of interesting species for children to discover from the natural world by simply opening a drawer. Purchase the world discovery box and then get out into the backyard, the vacant block next door, or go camping and help your child discover a natural world that is relevant and meaningful to them."
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